Dear Woody,
After A long period of watching my best friend slowly going downhill, I made the decision that I thought would come later than sooner. It breaks my heart to lose him and I know I'll never recover from it. I did what was best for him not me. I know he was suffering but he would never show it. He gave me one long lick on the face more to tell me thanks for a wonderful life and to finally let him go. He was a Therapy dog that made many, many people happy. That was the great part of owning such a great dog. Therapy for so many people. He just loved to do it. Yesterday when I had him go to the happy hunting grounds was not such heartache as it is today. I know the decision was right for him and I just think now I was being selfish for not letting him go sooner. He's with all of his friends and I hope to god I'll see him again. A mother was telling her little girl that dogs have short lives and the girl said that's because they love so hard their whole life it takes every bit of energy out of them. I believe that. I know it takes time to heal heartaches but this one is forever. I love you Woody and I hope you are free of pain now. I also have another yellow lab(Lucy) that knows he's in a better place. She's not the same as she was yesterday. I'd Like to Thank my wonderful mother, sisters, my Niece and mother-in-law for being there for me. You just never know how much you love them until they are gone. Woody you'll never be forgotten. Please God take great care of him. I know you will.
Dear Gilbert,
Words cannot express how much you meant to me. You lived for 15 years and every day you were my best friend. I loved you so much and I know that you hung around a lot longer then you wanted because you loved us so much. I remember how much you loved to be around people and everyone loved you so much. When we got Cooper, I know you were upset but you really took it in stride and learned to love him. I miss you so much Gilbert. Thank you for all the love, wags and kisses. You will be in my heart forever.
Missing You,
Dear CJ,
I miss you so much everyday! You were the sweetest puppy ever. Nobody knows me the way you did! I don't know if what we did at the end was right or wrong. I wanted to keep you here....that was selfish of me. Please always know we loved you! We have Maddie and Nelly w/ us. I wonder how you would have all gotten along!We were so lucky for the time we had you. I love you sweetie!
Be at peace and I will see you again someday!
Dear Trixie and Teddy,
Trix, it's been 2 years now since you've been gone. I'm so glad I rescued you from that home, oh so many years ago... I miss you so much. Thanks for being my girl!
It's been almost a year now since you've been gone. My favorite dream is of you bouncing around, free, running through the grass. I miss your grumpiness.
I miss your toothless smile! I miss your gentle nudges and kisses!
Dear Turtle, Tessa, and Nelson,
Dear Turtle,
I called you Not-My-Kitty for the first six months of your stay with us. I was sure we would find you a new home. But you stole my heart and stayed for two years. I had no idea how hard it would be to say good-bye to you. I wanted the Vet to tell me that another round of antibiotics would give us more time - he had always done so before - but I knew.
You were my time-keeper. I have never been a morning person but each day you woke me with a soft paw to the chin and a silent meow. And each morning I rose with you and the sun to feed you. You ran a tight ship needing a meal every five hours. We all got used to it. After you left, it took me a long time to stop waking with a start wondering where you were. It took a long time to stop trying to open a can of food every five hours. I don't think I will ever stop missing you.
? - 09/15/2009
Dear Tessa,
Your name means fourth child, and that is what you were to me. Losing you hurt as if I was losing a child I'd birthed. I wanted you to be ok. I wanted you to stay with me. I knew you couldn't.
I miss your snoring. I miss you standing on my feet. I miss your sweet face. I knew the day you were born that there would be a day we'd have to part - eleven years doesn't seem to be enough. Summer has begun and I miss plucking your poofs and letting the wind carry them out of the yard. You were my chunk-o-lina, my sweet pupper-girl. You raised the boys right and you taught Abby all the dog rules. You were an amazing companion to all of us.
3/23/1998 - 10/21/2009
Dear Nelson,
After losing Turtle and Tessa every one else in the house was ordered to be healthy for 365 days. You made it eight months. The cancer took you so fast. You were playing with a foam ball like a kitten on Friday and only partly alive by Sunday morning.
I wasn't sure we should adopt you. You were older than I was looking for. But when you showed us your big heart, I was sold. Little did I know just how much you would touch my life in the three years I shared with you.
Turtle was my time-keeper and Tessa was my heart, but you were my man. You took care of all your girls. You groomed them and loved them and still had time to love on me. I miss seeing you sitting by the door as I come in each day. I still look at the cat tree and want to find you there. I miss you tapping me on the leg asking to be picked up and cuddled. I miss you sleeping in the crook of my arm each night. I keep searching the shelters looking for a cat that can replace you; that's a search that will last the rest of my life.
? - 6/6/2010
Be well my friends. XO
When you were first born, I had no idea what an incredible gift from God you were. In the days that past, you and I seemed to forge a bond that I have nor will probably ever have again with human or animal. You were the most loving animal, friendly to everyone, even thought you were so large, at first people were frightened of you, then they saw what a big sweet tender heart you had and couldn't help but love you. I loved the way you LOVED the ball, you slept with it, and even tried to eat with once. No matter what I had going on in my life Wallace, you knew what I needed, and you were there for me. I hope that I somehow was as good to you as you were to me, I know that you deserved the best, because that is what you were. You made your rounds and stole everyone in this families heart, When you got sick it was so hard to believe because you have always been the definition of energy and health.It seems unfair that you only had 8 1/2 years with us. But I know you are with God, and I know that I will see you again one day..We had the best times together, and I will forever love and miss you, Wallace you are my best friend and I you will always have you in my heart.
Jennifer (Mom)
Dear Mom,
I miss you, mom
---- But I'm not gone
I miss you, mom
---- But I'm still there
I miss you, mom
---- My heart surrounds you
I miss you, mom
---- I'm everywhere
I miss you, mom
---- Don't suffer, son
I miss you, mom
---- We're not apart
I miss you, mom
---- I'm with you still
I love you, mom
---- With all my heart
Dear Murphy,
I miss you more than words can say. It's only been a day since I said goodbye to you, and I can't even think of you without bursting into tears. My heart is broken. The house just seems empty without you in it. Everyone keeps telling me that you are in a better place, and I truly believe that. It doesn't make me feel better right now. It just reminds me how much I love and miss you.
All of your "antics" over these last fourteen years are what made you so special and what endeared you to all of us. My sweet, gentle giant, you will always be loved, and we are all better off for having you in our lives. I hope that soon my tears will turn to laughter when I think of you.
I would never dream of allowing you to suffer another minute for my own selfish reasons, and I am so glad you were able to "tell" me that you were ready to go. I cherish the last hour of "snuggle time" we had on the floor as you allowed me to stroke your head. Even then you were able to kiss my tears away.
You were a remarkable example of unconditional love, and I will miss you so dearly.
Dear Ludwig,
I have always proclaimed myself to be a cat person, and I must admit I am attracted to their curious antics and their quirkiness. They certainly have a lot of "personality."
Even though you're gone the house is not lacking in personality. Between your screwball brother, your nuerotic mother and your fastidious father, we have enough personality in spades.
What is missing in this house is the kindness, gentleness and constant affection that you offered. Not to mention the patience and loyalty. This house is colder with you not in it, and every room feels empty now that you're not laying by my feet, looking up at me with your soft brown eyes.
I took you for granted, Lud. You were the goofy dog who would love ANYBODY, I told myself. As if THAT we're an inherent flaw. I could use some of that affection now. I wish you could comfort me, assure me with a tender nuzzle of your head, that what we did to you was the right thing. And that we did not do wrong by you.
Finny is doing his best to comfort me, but he in no way compares to you.
I love you, Lud. And I'm sorry that nature and "circumstances" dealt you such a cruel hand. If there is a heaven, please wait for me. I've called on a few angels to keep you company until I can look into your kind brown eyes again.
Dear Enchanted Moose,
You are my best friend and companion, I miss you too much to put into words. Everything I try to do I look for you behind me, you're not there. I call out your name, you are not there. I hope you are no longer in pain, I'm hurting for the both of us. The pain is as fresh as when you left on June21. We have lost a lot in the past year but it is not fair that you too were taken from me. I love you and miss you every minute of every day.
Your Mom, Terri